Åpningstider: MAN – FRE: 08-17 – LØR: 09-13.45


Vht paint Art.Nr. SP118

Grunning for headers/motor, hvit matt

Paint, Flameproof Coating, High-Temperature, Flat, Primer, White, 11 oz., Aerosol Spray Can, Each

inkl. mva
294,– Eks.MVA

VHT's FlameProof coatings give you the same kind of protection that NASA relies on to protect key components of the Space Shuttle. They're capable of providing protection at temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees F and are available in a line of primers, paints, and clear coats for ultimate high-heat protection. VHT FlameProof coatings are ideal for use on exhaust manifolds, piston domes, headers, and inside heads--wherever extreme-temperature coatings are needed.

Produsent Vht paint

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Merke Modell År